Here’s a suitably imposing railway station, styled to fit with the LEGO modular buildings range. bricksandtiles has done an excellent job with this model, capturing a grand European feel with the broad steps and the impressively-ornate tan brickwork. The flowing curves and domes of the roof are particularly well done, capping off the impressive height of the building in style. The platform at the building’s rear is equally detailed. The use of black lamp-post parts provides an appropriately retro look to the ironwork supporting the glass roof, and the stickers employed as signs create the impression of a nineteenth-century station still in regular modern-day use… There’s a detailed interior too, with a ticket office and cafe. And don’t miss the smartly-tiled floor making effective use of the still relatively-new 1×1 diagonal tile pieces. Lovely. The post A rather grand Central Station appeared first on The Brothers Brick. Original linkOriginal author: Rod