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LEGO 70351 Clay's Falcon Fighter Blaster

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Nexo knights



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Onderdeel ID Aantal Kleur Omschrijving
11203 11203 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile Special 2 x 2 Inverted
11211 11211 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 2 with 2 Studs on 1 Side
11214 11214 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Axle Pin 3L with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and 1L Axle
No Image 11272 4 Technic Axle Connector 2 x 3 Quadruple
11458 11458 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate Special 1 x 2 with Pin Hole on Top
11477 11477 8 Donkerblauw Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
11477 11477 2 Donkerazuurblauw Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
14417 14417 3 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate Special 1 x 2 with 5.9mm Centre Side Towball
14419 14419 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate Special 1 x 2 with 5.9mm Towball Socket and Towball
14704 14704 6 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate Special 1 x 2 5.9mm Centre Side Towball Socket
No Image 14769pr1064 1 Zandblauw Tile Round 2 x 2 with Bottom Stud Holder with Rock Creature Face with Jagged Grin, Dark Blue Spots and Yellow Eyes Print
15092 15092 12 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 2 with 2 Pins
15207 15207 4 Donkerazuurblauw Panel 1 x 4 x 1 with Rounded Corners [Thin Wall]
15462 15462 2 Roodbruin Technic Axle 5 with Stop
15571 15571 1 Donkerazuurblauw Slope 45° 2 x 1 Triple with Inside Stud Holder
15672 15672 6 Donkerazuurblauw Slope 45° 2 x 1 with 2/3 Cutout [New Version]
15712 15712 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Tile Special 1 x 1 with Clip with Rounded Edges
18587 18587 3 Lichtblauwgrijs Launcher Trigger, Weapon Rapid Shooter, Flat Axle Hole
18588 18588 3 Donkerblauwgrijs Launcher, Weapon Rapid Shooter Six Barrel, 3 Fingers
18654 18654 2 Vlak Zilver Technic Pin Connector Round 1L [Beam]
No Image 22385pr0063 1 Trans-Paars Tile Special 2 x 3 Pentagonal with Nexo Power Shield Print - Devastating Decay
No Image 22385pr0064 1 Transparant Rood Tile Special 2 x 3 Pentagonal with Nexo Power Shield Print - Manic Pumpkin
No Image 22385pr0073 1 Transparant Donkerblauw Tile Special 2 x 3 Pentagonal with Nexo Power Shield Print - Ticking Baboon
22388 22388 12 Vlak Zilver Slope 45° 1 x 1 x 2/3 Quadruple Convex [Pyramid]
22391 22391 2 Donkerblauw Wedge Sloped 4 x 4 Pointed
22408 22408 1 Vlak Zilver Minifig Shield Pentagonal
22409 22409 1 Zwart Minifig Shield Pentagonal with Rock Edges
22889 22889 2 Zwart Slope Inverted 45° 6 x 2 Double with 2 x 4 Cutout
No Image 24108pat0001 1 Trans-Neonoranje Weapon Sword Long with Angular Crossguard Flat Silver Pattern
2412b 2412b 2 Donkerazuurblauw Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2412b 2412b 2 Donkerblauw Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2412b 2412b 7 Oranje Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2419 2419 3 Donkerblauw Wedge Plate 3 x 6 Cut Corners
No Image 24301pr0005 1 Zandblauw Large Figure Torso, Chest Armor, Shoulder Studs with Dark Purple Spots and Medium Blue Veins Print
No Image 24304pr0002 1 Zandblauw Minifig Head Special with Spikes on Top and Holes on Sides, with Two Jagged White Teeth, Yellow Eyes and Dark Purple Spots Print (Grimroc)
24316 24316 1 Roodbruin Technic Axle 3 with Stop
2445 2445 1 Oranje Plate 2 x 12
2456 2456 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick 2 x 6
2540 2540 3 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate Special 1 x 2 Side Handle [Free Ends]
2653 2653 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Brick Special 1 x 4 with Groove
27165 27165 1 Trans-Neonoranje Windscreen 10 x 4 x 2 1/3 with Handle
27256 27256 4 Trans-Lichtblauw Wave / Lightning Angular, Single
27262 27262 1 Donkerblauw Windscreen 6 x 4 x 1 Hexagonal with Handle
27263 27263 4 Donkerblauw Tile Special 2 x 2 Corner with Cut Corner - Facet
27263 27263 10 Donkerazuurblauw Tile Special 2 x 2 Corner with Cut Corner - Facet
27266 27266 1 Middelblauw Brick Round 2 x 2 Special with Spikes
2736 2736 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Axle Towball
2780 2780 33 Zwart Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots
27934 27934 6 Trans-Neonoranje Large Figure Weapon, Sword 1 x 13 with 1x2 Plate, Angled Side Extensions, Textured Panel Inset with Hexagons
2817 2817 9 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate Special 2 x 2 with 2 Pin Holes
28192 28192 2 Donkerblauw Slope 45° 2 x 1 with 2/3 Inverted Cutout and no stud
28660 28660 2 Zandblauw Arm, Short, with Technic Pin
No Image 29011 1 [Geen Kleur/Alle Kleuren] Sticker Sheet for Set 70351-1
No Image 29053a 2 Trans-Helder Wing, with Dark Purple Bony Spines and Light Aqua Electric Veins Print
3004 3004 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 2 Donkerblauw Brick 1 x 2
3020 3020 3 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 4
3021 3021 1 Blauw Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 4 Oranje Plate 2 x 3
3022 3022 3 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 2
3023 3023 4 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate 1 x 2
30363 30363 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope 18° 4 x 2
3039 3039 1 Donkerblauw Slope 45° 2 x 2
No Image 3068bpr0326 1 Zandblauw Tile 2 x 2 with Groove with Rock Monster Face, Dark Blue Spots and Yellow Eyes Print (Brickster)
32013 32013 2 Zwart Technic Axle and Pin Connector Angled #1
32015 32015 2 Vlak Zilver Technic Axle and Pin Connector Angled #5 - 112.5°
32016 32016 2 Zwart Technic Axle and Pin Connector Angled #3 - 157.5°
32034 32034 2 Oranje Technic Axle and Pin Connector Angled #2 - 180°
32054 32054 4 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Pin Long with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Stop Bush [3 Lateral Holes, Big Pin Hole]
32062 32062 2 Rood Technic Axle 2 Notched
32064a 32064a 5 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Axle Hole Type 1 [+ Opening] and Bottom Pin
32124 32124 2 Blauw Technic Plate 1 x 5 with Smooth Ends, 4 Studs and Centre Axle Hole
32271 32271 2 Blauw Technic Beam 1 x 9 Bent (7 - 3) Thick
32524 32524 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Beam 1 x 7 Thick
32525 32525 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Beam 1 x 11 Thick
32526 32526 8 Blauw Technic Beam 3 x 5 L-Shape Thick
32529 32529 2 Zwart Technic Pin Connector Plate with One Hole (Single on Bottom)
32530 32530 2 Zwart Technic Pin Connector Plate 1 x 2 x 1 2/3 [Two Holes On Top]
32555 32555 2 Zwart Technic Brick 5 x 5 Right Angle (1 x 4 - 1 x 4)
3460 3460 4 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate 1 x 8
3623 3623 2 Donkerazuurblauw Plate 1 x 3
3673 3673 6 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Pin without Friction Ridges Lengthwise
3701 3701 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Brick 1 x 4 [3 Pin Holes]
3702 3702 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Brick 1 x 8 [7 Pin Holes]
3710 3710 3 Donkerblauw Plate 1 x 4
3747b 3747b 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope Inverted 33° 3 x 2 [Connections between Studs]
3749 3749 2 Bruin Technic Axle Pin without Friction Ridges Lengthwise
3795 3795 2 Oranje Plate 2 x 6
3894 3894 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Brick 1 x 6 [5 Pin Holes]
3895 3895 2 Zwart Technic Brick 1 x 12 [11 Pin Holes]
40490 40490 6 Oranje Technic Beam 1 x 9 Thick
41239 41239 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Beam 1 x 13 Thick
41678 41678 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular Double Split
42003 42003 2 Donkerblauw Technic Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular 3L with 2 Pin Holes
4274 4274 20 Blauw Technic Pin 1/2
4282 4282 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate 2 x 16
43093 43093 4 Blauw Technic Axle Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise
43710 43710 3 Donkerblauw Wedge Sloped 4 x 2 Triple Left
43711 43711 3 Donkerblauw Wedge Sloped 4 x 2 Triple Right
43722 43722 1 Blauw Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Right
43723 43723 1 Blauw Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Left
44567a 44567a 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger on Side, with Groove
44728 44728 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2
4510 4510 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Plate Special 1 x 8 with Door Rail
4519 4519 6 Geel Technic Axle 3
4519 4519 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Axle 3
No Image 4738c 1 Vlak Zilver Treasure Chest Bottom with Rear Slots, No Groove
47397 47397 2 Donkerblauw Wedge Plate 12 x 3 Left
47398 47398 2 Donkerblauw Wedge Plate 12 x 3 Right
4739a 4739a 1 Trans-Neonoranje Treasure Chest Lid [Thick Hinge]
47456 47456 2 Donkerpaars Wedge Curved 2 x 3 x 2/3 Two Studs, Wing End
47457 47457 2 Donkerpaars Brick Curved 2 x 2 x 2/3 Two Studs and Curved Slope End
47507 47507 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Cockpit 6 x 6 x 2 Cabin Base with Technic Holes
48336 48336 1 Blauw Plate Special 1 x 2 [Side Handle Closed Ends]
4871 4871 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope Inverted 45° 4 x 2 Double
51739 51739 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Wedge Plate 2 x 4
53451 53451 4 Zwart Animal Body Part, Barb / Claw / Tooth / Talon / Horn, Small
54200 54200 2 Donkerpaars Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 4 Trans-Lichtblauw Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 2 Donkerblauw Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
55982 55982 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Wheel 18mm x 14mm with Axle Hole, Fake Bolts and Shallow Spokes
59232 59232 1 Vlak Zilver Weapon Mace / Flail Spiked
59426 59426 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Axle 5.5 with Stop [Rounded Short End]
59443 59443 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Axle Connector Smooth [with x Hole + Orientation]
59443 59443 1 Oranje Technic Axle Connector Smooth [with x Hole + Orientation]
59900 59900 4 Trans-Neonoranje Cone 1 x 1 [Top Groove]
60208 60208 3 Donkerblauwgrijs Wheel 31 x 15 Technic, 7 Pin Holes
60470b 60470b 3 Zwart Plate Special 1 x 2 with Clips Horizontal [Open O Clips]
60471 60471 1 Oranje Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers on Side, 9 Teeth
60478 60478 2 Blauw Plate Special 1 x 2 with Handle on End [Closed Ends]
60481 60481 4 Donkerazuurblauw Slope 65° 2 x 1 x 2
60483 60483 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Beam 1 x 2 Thick with Pin Hole and Axle Hole
6070 6070 1 Trans-Neonoranje Windscreen 5 x 2 x 1 2/3
61184 61184 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Technic Pin 1/2 with 2L Bar Extension
61409 61409 2 Oranje Slope 18° 2 x 1 x 2/3 with 4 Slots / Grate
6141 6141 30 Trans-Neonoranje Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 10 Blauw Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
61800 61800 2 Donkerazuurblauw Large Figure Wing, Small
63864 63864 2 Donkerblauw Tile 1 x 3
64451 64451 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Link 1 x 9 Bent (6 - 4)
6541 6541 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Pin Hole
6558 6558 8 Blauw Technic Pin Long with Friction Ridges Lengthwise, 2 Center Slots
6628 6628 5 Zwart Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Towball
6636 6636 4 Donkerazuurblauw Tile 1 x 6 with Groove
76764 76764 1 Vlak Zilver Weapon Sword / Shortsword Elaborate Hilt
85861 85861 4 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate Round 1 x 1 with Open Stud
85943 85943 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Hole and Dual Beam Extensions
85984 85984 3 Donkerpaars Slope 30° 1 x 2 x 2/3
No Image 85984pr0143 1 Donkerblauwgrijs Slope 30° 1 x 2 x 2/3 with 2 Gauges print
87079 87079 2 Donkerblauw Tile 2 x 4 with Groove
87609 87609 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate Special 2 x 6 x 2/3 with 4 Studs on Side, 1 Support Wall on Bottom
88646 88646 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate Special 3 x 4 with 1 x 4 Center Studs [Plain]
89522 89522 2 Donkerpaars Creature Body Part, Horn (Unicorn)
92280 92280 4 Zwart Plate Special 1 x 2 [Top Clip]
93571 93571 1 Zwart Technic Axle Connector 2 x 3 with Ball Socket, Open Lower Axle Holes
93609 93609 1 Trans-Lichtblauw Arm Skeleton [Bent / 2 Clips]
98313 98313 4 Donkerblauwgrijs Arm Mechanical with Clip [Thick Support]
98578 98578 1 Trans-Lichtblauw Large Figure Weapon Spiked Ball, Half
99206 99206 2 Lichtblauwgrijs Plate Special 2 x 2 x 2/3 with Two Studs On Side and Two Raised
99207 99207 1 Lichtblauwgrijs Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2 Inverted
99780 99780 2 Donkerblauwgrijs Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2 Inverted
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