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LEGO 40366 LEGO House Dinosaurs

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Parte ID Quantity Colore Descrizione
11211 11211 2 Beige Brick Special 1 x 2 with 2 Studs on 1 Side
11211 11211 4 Verde Lime Brick Special 1 x 2 with 2 Studs on 1 Side
11211 11211 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Brick Special 1 x 2 with 2 Studs on 1 Side
11476 11476 1 Verde Plate Special 1 x 2 with Clip Horizontal on Side
11477 11477 8 Verde Lime Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
11477 11477 4 Giallo Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
11477 11477 4 Verde Scuro Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
11477 11477 1 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
11477 11477 1 Magenta Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
11477 11477 6 Blu Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
11477 11477 10 Verde Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
14417 14417 26 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate Special 1 x 2 with 5.9mm Centre Side Towball
14418 14418 5 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Plate Special 1 x 2 5.9mm Towball Socket
14419 14419 7 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate Special 1 x 2 with 5.9mm Towball Socket and Towball
14704 14704 17 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Plate Special 1 x 2 5.9mm Centre Side Towball Socket
14769 14769 2 Giallo Tile Round 2 x 2 with Bottom Stud Holder
15068 15068 6 Giallo Slope Curved 2 x 2 x 2/3
15068 15068 2 Verde Slope Curved 2 x 2 x 2/3
15068 15068 3 Verde Scuro Slope Curved 2 x 2 x 2/3
15068 15068 4 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Slope Curved 2 x 2 x 2/3
15068 15068 1 Beige Slope Curved 2 x 2 x 2/3
15208 15208 2 Arancione Chiaro Plate Special 1 x 2 with Three Teeth [Tri-Tooth]
15208 15208 11 Bianco Plate Special 1 x 2 with Three Teeth [Tri-Tooth]
15209 15209 2 Marrone Rossastro Tile Special 1 x 2 with Two Vertical Teeth / Tooth
15573 15573 2 Verde Lime Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove and Inside Stud Holder (Jumper)
15573 15573 7 Marrone Rossastro Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove and Inside Stud Holder (Jumper)
15573 15573 4 Bianco Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove and Inside Stud Holder (Jumper)
15573 15573 3 Giallo Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove and Inside Stud Holder (Jumper)
15573 15573 5 Arancione Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove and Inside Stud Holder (Jumper)
15672 15672 6 Verde Lime Slope 45° 2 x 1 with 2/3 Cutout [New Version]
15672 15672 2 Marrone Rossastro Slope 45° 2 x 1 with 2/3 Cutout [New Version]
15672 15672 2 Beige Slope 45° 2 x 1 with 2/3 Cutout [New Version]
15672 15672 6 Marrone Scuro Slope 45° 2 x 1 with 2/3 Cutout [New Version]
18674 18674 2 Marrone Scuro Plate Special Round 2 x 2 with Center Stud (Jumper Plate)
18674 18674 2 Marrone Rossastro Plate Special Round 2 x 2 with Center Stud (Jumper Plate)
18674 18674 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate Special Round 2 x 2 with Center Stud (Jumper Plate)
22388 22388 7 Marrone Rossastro Slope 45° 1 x 1 x 2/3 Quadruple Convex [Pyramid]
22388 22388 1 Marrone Rossastro Slope 45° 1 x 1 x 2/3 Quadruple Convex [Pyramid] (Ricambio)
2420 2420 2 Blu Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2420 2420 2 Beige Plate 2 x 2 Corner
24299 24299 2 Giallo Wedge Plate 2 x 2 Left
24307 24307 2 Giallo Wedge Plate 2 x 2 Right
24309 24309 1 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Slope Curved 3 x 2 No Studs
24309 24309 2 Verde Slope Curved 3 x 2 No Studs
24309 24309 3 Beige Slope Curved 3 x 2 No Studs
24309 24309 2 Giallo Slope Curved 3 x 2 No Studs
2431 2431 2 Bianco Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2431 2431 2 Verde Scuro Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2431 2431 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2450 2450 2 Beige Wedge Plate 3 x 3 Cut Corner
2462 2462 2 Beige Wedge 3 x 3 Facet
24866 24866 3 Blu Plant, Flower, Plate Round 1 x 1 with 5 Petals (Ricambio)
24866 24866 12 Blu Plant, Flower, Plate Round 1 x 1 with 5 Petals
24866 24866 2 Arancione Plant, Flower, Plate Round 1 x 1 with 5 Petals
24866 24866 1 Arancione Plant, Flower, Plate Round 1 x 1 with 5 Petals (Ricambio)
25269 25269 1 Verde Lime Tile Round 1 x 1 Quarter (Ricambio)
25269 25269 2 Verde Lime Tile Round 1 x 1 Quarter
26601 26601 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Wedge Plate 2 x 2 Cut Corner
2723 2723 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Technic Disc 3 x 3
27261 27261 2 Bianco Plate Special 2 x 3 with Rocks
2780 2780 2 Nero Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots (Ricambio)
2780 2780 14 Nero Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots
2819 2819 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Technic Steering Wheel Small (3 Studs Diameter)
29119 29119 1 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Slope Curved 2 x 1 with Stud Notch Right
29119 29119 2 Verde Slope Curved 2 x 1 with Stud Notch Right
29119 29119 1 Verde Scuro Slope Curved 2 x 1 with Stud Notch Right
29120 29120 1 Verde Scuro Slope Curved 2 x 1 with Stud Notch Left
29120 29120 1 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Slope Curved 2 x 1 with Stud Notch Left
29120 29120 2 Verde Slope Curved 2 x 1 with Stud Notch Left
3001 3001 1 Verde Lime Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 3 Verde Brick 2 x 4
3001 3001 3 Giallo Brick 2 x 4
3003 3003 1 Verde Lime Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 1 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 12 Bianco Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 4 Beige Brick 2 x 2
3004 3004 6 Verde Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 3 Giallo Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 4 Marrone Rossastro Brick 1 x 2
3005 3005 6 Bianco Brick 1 x 1
3010 3010 3 Verde Brick 1 x 4
3020 3020 2 Marrone Rossastro Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 1 Verde Lime Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 4 Giallo Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 1 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 1 Verde Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 2 Bianco Plate 2 x 4
3021 3021 2 Giallo Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 3 Beige Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 4 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 7 Verde Plate 2 x 3
3022 3022 1 Beige Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 4 Verde Lime Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 3 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 2 Marrone Rossastro Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 4 Verde Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 5 Giallo Plate 2 x 2
3023 3023 6 Blu Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 25 Verde Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 7 Rosso Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 4 Bianco Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 6 Giallo Plate 1 x 2
3024 3024 4 Marrone Rossastro Plate 1 x 1
3024 3024 1 Marrone Rossastro Plate 1 x 1 (Ricambio)
3024 3024 3 Verde Plate 1 x 1
3024 3024 1 Verde Plate 1 x 1 (Ricambio)
3031 3031 1 Blu Plate 4 x 4
3031 3031 1 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Plate 4 x 4
3031 3031 1 Verde Plate 4 x 4
3034 3034 2 Giallo Plate 2 x 8
30363 30363 2 Giallo Slope 18° 4 x 2
3037 3037 2 Verde Slope 45° 2 x 4
30414 30414 2 Marrone Rossastro Brick Special 1 x 4 with 4 Studs on One Side
30565 30565 4 Marrone Scuro Plate Round Corner 4 x 4
30602 30602 1 Verde Lime Slope Curved 2 x 2 with Lip, No Studs
3068b 3068b 1 Verde Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3068b 3068b 2 Bianco Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3068b 3068b 2 Giallo Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 1 Beige Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Verde Lime Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 12 Bianco Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 4 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 3 Verde Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Marrone Scuro Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3070b 3070b 1 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Tile 1 x 1 with Groove
3070b 3070b 1 Verde Lime Tile 1 x 1 with Groove (Ricambio)
3070b 3070b 1 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Tile 1 x 1 with Groove (Ricambio)
3070b 3070b 2 Verde Lime Tile 1 x 1 with Groove
32000 32000 2 Giallo Technic Brick 1 x 2 [2 Pin Holes]
32062 32062 8 Verde Technic Axle 2 Notched
32072 32072 2 Giallo Technic Knob Wheel
32123b 32123b 4 Giallo Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Semi-Reduced
32123b 32123b 1 Giallo Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Semi-Reduced (Ricambio)
32200 32200 12 Bianco Axle Hose, Soft 12L
32316 32316 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Technic Beam 1 x 5 Thick
32523 32523 4 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Technic Beam 1 x 3 Thick
32556 32556 2 Beige Technic Pin Long without Friction Ridges
32607 32607 6 Verde Chiaro Plant, Plate 1 x 1 Round with 3 Leaves
35044 35044 4 Marrone Rossastro Plate Special 4 x 4 with 3 x 3 Quarter Round Cutout
3623 3623 2 Verde Scuro Plate 1 x 3
3623 3623 1 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate 1 x 3
3623 3623 3 Verde Plate 1 x 3
3623 3623 4 Beige Plate 1 x 3
3649 3649 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Technic Gear 40 Tooth
3660 3660 3 Beige Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 [Ovoid Bottom Pin, Bar-sized Stud Holes]
3660 3660 3 Verde Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 [Ovoid Bottom Pin, Bar-sized Stud Holes]
3660 3660 4 Giallo Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 [Ovoid Bottom Pin, Bar-sized Stud Holes]
3660 3660 3 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 [Ovoid Bottom Pin, Bar-sized Stud Holes]
3660 3660 1 Verde Lime Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 [Ovoid Bottom Pin, Bar-sized Stud Holes]
36840 36840 2 Nero Bracket 1 x 1 - 1 x 1 Inverted
36840 36840 6 Arancione Chiaro Bracket 1 x 1 - 1 x 1 Inverted
36841 36841 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Bracket 1 x 1 - 1 x 1
3701 3701 4 Giallo Technic Brick 1 x 4 [3 Pin Holes]
3702 3702 2 Giallo Technic Brick 1 x 8 [7 Pin Holes]
3705 3705 2 Nero Technic Axle 4
3710 3710 2 Beige Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 2 Marrone Rossastro Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 1 Marrone Scuro Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 1 Giallo Plate 1 x 4
3747b 3747b 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Slope Inverted 33° 3 x 2 [Connections between Studs]
3747b 3747b 4 Giallo Slope Inverted 33° 3 x 2 [Connections between Studs]
3749 3749 4 Beige Technic Axle Pin without Friction Ridges Lengthwise
3795 3795 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 1 Beige Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 12 Bianco Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 4 Verde Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 4 Arancione Chiaro Plate 2 x 6
3832 3832 1 Blu Plate 2 x 10
41747 41747 2 Giallo Wedge Curved 6 x 2 Right, Inner Ridges
41748 41748 2 Giallo Wedge Curved 6 x 2 Left, Inner Ridges
41769 41769 3 Marrone Rossastro Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Right
41769 41769 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Right
41769 41769 1 Verde Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Right
41770 41770 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Left
41770 41770 1 Verde Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Left
41770 41770 3 Marrone Rossastro Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Left
41854 41854 1 Giallo Mudguard 2 x 4 with 2 x 2 Studs and Flared Wings
41854 41854 1 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Mudguard 2 x 4 with 2 x 2 Studs and Flared Wings
4274 4274 8 Rosso Technic Pin 1/2
4274 4274 1 Rosso Technic Pin 1/2 (Ricambio)
4286 4286 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Slope 33° 3 x 1
4286 4286 4 Giallo Slope 33° 3 x 1
4287c 4287c 2 Verde Lime Slope Inverted 33° 3 x 1 with Internal Stopper and No Front Stud Connection
43710 43710 24 Bianco Wedge Sloped 4 x 2 Triple Left
43722 43722 1 Marrone Scuro Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Right
43722 43722 1 Verde Lime Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Right
43723 43723 1 Marrone Scuro Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Left
43723 43723 1 Verde Lime Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Left
44224 44224 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Technic Rotation Joint Disk with Pin Hole and 3L Beam Thick
44225 44225 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Technic Rotation Joint Disk with Pin and 3L Beam Thick
44301b 44301b 4 Giallo Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End, without Groove
44302a 44302a 4 Giallo Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers On End, with Groove, 9 Teeth
46667 46667 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Jet Engine Fan with 10 Blades and Technic Pin
4733 4733 8 Verde Lime Brick Special 1 x 1 Studs on 4 Sides
4733 4733 4 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Brick Special 1 x 1 Studs on 4 Sides
47753 47753 2 Verde Wedge Curved 4 x 4 No Top Studs
47759 47759 1 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Wedge Sloped 45° 2 x 4 Triple
47905 47905 1 Verde Sabbia Brick Special 1 x 1 with Studs on 2 Sides
48336 48336 1 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Plate Special 1 x 2 [Side Handle Closed Ends]
48336 48336 1 Blu Plate Special 1 x 2 [Side Handle Closed Ends]
49668 49668 10 Argento Piatto Plate Special 1 x 1 with Tooth
49668 49668 2 Beige Plate Special 1 x 1 with Tooth
49668 49668 2 Arancione Chiaro Plate Special 1 x 1 with Tooth
52107 52107 1 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Brick Special 1 x 2 with Studs on 2 Sides
52107 52107 2 Verde Brick Special 1 x 2 with Studs on 2 Sides
53585 53585 2 Nero Technic Ball Joint with Through Axle Hole
54200 54200 1 Beige Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope) (Ricambio)
54200 54200 2 Beige Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
No Image 57909b 2 Marrone Scuro Technic Brick Modified 2 x 2 with Ball and Axle Hole, with 6 Holes in Ball
No Image 57909b 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Technic Brick Modified 2 x 2 with Ball and Axle Hole, with 6 Holes in Ball
No Image 59439 1 [Nessun Colore/Qualsiasi Colore] Sticker Sheet for Set 40366-1
6003 6003 12 Bianco Plate Round Corner 6 x 6
60212 60212 1 Verde Wheel Arch, Mudguard 2 x 4 Studded with Hole
60470b 60470b 3 Bianco Plate Special 1 x 2 with Clips Horizontal [Open O Clips]
60470b 60470b 1 Blu Plate Special 1 x 2 with Clips Horizontal [Open O Clips]
60477 60477 4 Verde Slope 18° 4 x 1
60897 60897 2 Verde Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical [Thick Open O Clip]
6091 6091 2 Giallo Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top
6091 6091 2 Beige Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top
6091 6091 10 Verde Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top
61409 61409 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Slope 18° 2 x 1 x 2/3 with 4 Slots / Grate
61409 61409 4 Giallo Slope 18° 2 x 1 x 2/3 with 4 Slots / Grate
6141 6141 2 Beige Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6141 6141 10 Beige Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 2 Verde Lime Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 2 Giallo Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 4 Blu Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 1 Giallo Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6141 6141 3 Magenta Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6141 6141 1 Blu Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6141 6141 1 Verde Lime Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6141 6141 10 Magenta Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
64225 64225 2 Verde Lime Wedge Curved 4 x 3 No Studs [Plain]
6628 6628 2 Nero Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Towball
6629 6629 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Technic Beam 1 x 9 Bent (6 - 4) Thick
85943 85943 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Hole and Dual Beam Extensions
85984 85984 1 Arancione Slope 30° 1 x 2 x 2/3
87079 87079 5 Bianco Tile 2 x 4 with Groove
87087 87087 2 Giallo Brick Special 1 x 1 with Stud on 1 Side
87087 87087 4 Verde Brick Special 1 x 1 with Stud on 1 Side
87580 87580 1 Giallo Plate Special 2 x 2 with Groove and Center Stud (Jumper)
87580 87580 8 Bianco Plate Special 2 x 2 with Groove and Center Stud (Jumper)
87994 87994 1 Verde Chiaro Bar 3L (Ricambio)
87994 87994 1 Verde Chiaro Bar 3L
92013 92013 4 Verde Scuro Technic Brick Special 2 x 2 with Ball Socket Wide and Axle Hole
92280 92280 24 Bianco Plate Special 1 x 2 [Top Clip]
92907 92907 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Technic Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular Split
93571 93571 2 Nero Technic Axle Connector 2 x 3 with Ball Socket, Open Lower Axle Holes
93604 93604 2 Marrone Rossastro Slope Curved 3 x 4 x 2/3 Triple Curved with 2 Sunk Studs
94925 94925 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Technic Gear 16 Tooth Reinforced [New Style]
96874 96874 1 Turchese Scuro Brick and Axle Separator v2.0
98375 98375 3 Argento Piatto Equipment Winder Key [Toy]
98375 98375 1 Argento Piatto Equipment Winder Key [Toy] (Ricambio)
99206 99206 2 Giallo Plate Special 2 x 2 x 2/3 with Two Studs On Side and Two Raised
99780 99780 8 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2 Inverted
99780 99780 1 Verde Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2 Inverted
99781 99781 14 Nero Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2
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