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LEGO 10183 Hobby Trains

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Parte ID Quantity Colore Descrizione
2362b 2362b 16 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Panel 1 x 2 x 3 [Hollow Studs]
2377 2377 8 Verde Window 1 x 2 x 2 Plane, Solid Studs
2377 2377 8 Nero Window 1 x 2 x 2 Plane, Solid Studs
2412b 2412b 12 Nero Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2412b 2412b 12 Verde Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2420 2420 4 Verde Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2431 2431 4 Nero Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2431 2431 6 Verde Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
No Image 2431pr0028 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Tile 1 x 4 with Train Controls Print
2432 2432 4 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Tile Special 1 x 2 with Handle
2432 2432 8 Nero Tile Special 1 x 2 with Handle
2434 2434 2 Nero Brick Special 2 x 4 x 2 with Studs on Sides
2436 2436 4 Nero Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 4 [Square Corners]
2540 2540 8 Nero Plate Special 1 x 2 Side Handle [Free Ends]
2555 2555 4 Nero Tile Special 1 x 1 with Clip and Straight Tips
2877 2877 6 Verde Brick Special 1 x 2 with Grille
2877 2877 8 Nero Brick Special 1 x 2 with Grille
2878 2878 12 Nero Wheel Holder, Train Wheel RC Train
2920 2920 6 Nero Train Coupling New
2921 2921 16 Verde Brick Special 1 x 1 with Handle
2926 2926 2 Nero Plate Special 1 x 4 with Wheels Holder
No Image 298c02 2 Nero Lever Small Base with Black Lever (Ricambio)
No Image 298c02 2 Nero Lever Small Base with Black Lever
3004 3004 12 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 8 Nero Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 24 Verde Brick 1 x 2
3004 3004 12 Rosso Scuro Brick 1 x 2
3005 3005 8 Bianco Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 12 Verde Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 8 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Brick 1 x 1
3005 3005 8 Nero Brick 1 x 1
3008 3008 8 Verde Brick 1 x 8
3008 3008 8 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Brick 1 x 8
3009 3009 4 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Brick 1 x 6
3009 3009 8 Bianco Brick 1 x 6
3009 3009 8 Nero Brick 1 x 6
3009 3009 8 Verde Brick 1 x 6
3010 3010 16 Bianco Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 8 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 12 Nero Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 16 Verde Brick 1 x 4
30165 30165 2 Nero Brick Curved 2 x 2 with Two Top Studs
3020 3020 8 Nero Plate 2 x 4
3021 3021 4 Nero Plate 2 x 3
3022 3022 8 Nero Plate 2 x 2
3023 3023 8 Rosso Scuro Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 6 Trasparente Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 12 Bianco Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 12 Verde Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 8 Nero Plate 1 x 2
3024 3024 6 Nero Plate 1 x 1
3024 3024 4 Rosso Scuro Plate 1 x 1
3024 3024 6 Trasparente Plate 1 x 1
3027 3027 2 Nero Plate 6 x 16
3029 3029 2 Nero Plate 4 x 12
3034 3034 4 Verde Plate 2 x 8
3034 3034 6 Nero Plate 2 x 8
3035 3035 8 Nero Plate 4 x 8
3036 3036 2 Nero Plate 6 x 8
30367b 30367b 2 Nero Brick Round 2 x 2 Dome Top - Blocked Open Stud with Bottom Axle Holder x Shape + Orientation
3037 3037 4 Verde Slope 45° 2 x 4
30374 30374 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Bar 4L (Lightsaber Blade / Wand)
30374 30374 8 Nero Bar 4L (Lightsaber Blade / Wand)
30375 30375 4 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Torso Mechanical, Battle Droid
30377 30377 12 Nero Arm Mechanical with 2 Clips [Battle Droid]
30377 30377 2 Nero Arm Mechanical with 2 Clips [Battle Droid] (Ricambio)
3039 3039 6 Nero Slope 45° 2 x 2
3039 3039 4 Verde Slope 45° 2 x 2
3040b 3040b 4 Verde Slope 45° 2 x 1 with Bottom Pin
3040b 3040b 4 Nero Slope 45° 2 x 1 with Bottom Pin
3062b 3062b 4 Nero Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
3063b 3063b 4 Nero Brick Round Corner 2 x 2 Macaroni with Stud Notch
3065 3065 8 Trasparente Brick 1 x 2 without Bottom Tube
30663 30663 2 Nero Steering Wheel Small, 2 x 2
3068b 3068b 8 Nero Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3068b 3068b 4 Verde Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 6 Verde Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
No Image 3069bpr0055 2 Bianco Tile 1 x 2 with Letter with Script and Seal Print
3176 3176 2 Nero Plate Special 3 x 2 with Rounded End, Hole
32028 32028 8 Nero Plate Special 1 x 2 with Door Rail
3297 3297 12 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Slope 33° 3 x 4
3460 3460 6 Verde Plate 1 x 8
3622 3622 4 Verde Brick 1 x 3
3622 3622 4 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Brick 1 x 3
3623 3623 6 Verde Plate 1 x 3
3626b 3626b 2 Nero Minifig Head Plain [Blocked Open Stud]
3660 3660 6 Nero Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 [Ovoid Bottom Pin, Bar-sized Stud Holes]
3666 3666 8 Bianco Plate 1 x 6
3666 3666 6 Verde Plate 1 x 6
3666 3666 8 Nero Plate 1 x 6
3679 3679 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Turntable 2 x 2 Plate - Top
3680 3680 2 Nero Turntable 2 x 2 Plate, Base
3710 3710 8 Rosso Scuro Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 8 Verde Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 12 Bianco Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 8 Nero Plate 1 x 4
3738 3738 4 Nero Technic Plate 2 x 8 [7 Holes]
3794a 3794a 8 Nero Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud without Groove (Jumper)
3794a 3794a 4 Verde Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud without Groove (Jumper)
3795 3795 8 Nero Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 4 Verde Plate 2 x 6
3829c01 3829c01 2 Verde Steering Stand 1 x 2 with Black Steering Wheel
3937 3937 6 Verde Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Base
3938 3938 4 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Top Plate Thin
3941 3941 4 Nero Brick Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole
3958 3958 2 Nero Plate 6 x 6
3960 3960 1 Nero Dish 4 x 4 Inverted [Radar]
4022 4022 6 Nero Train Buffer Beam
4025 4025 6 Nero Tile Special 6 x 4 with Beveled Edges and 5mm Pin (Train Bogie Plate)
4032a 4032a 8 Nero Plate Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole Type 1 (+ Opening)
4034 4034 8 Trasparente Glass for Train Window 1 x 4 x 3
4070 4070 8 Nero Brick Special 1 x 1 with Headlight
4070 4070 8 Verde Brick Special 1 x 1 with Headlight
4079 4079 8 Marrone Rossastro Seat / Chair 2 x 2
4081b 4081b 6 Nero Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Light, Bar Hole [Thick Ring]
4081b 4081b 4 Verde Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Light, Bar Hole [Thick Ring]
4083 4083 4 Nero Bar 1 x 4 x 2 with Studs
4085c 4085c 8 Nero Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical [Thick U Clip]
4093a 4093a 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Vehicle Base, Train 6 x 28 with Two 1 x 2 Openings [3 Round Holes Each End]
4175 4175 6 Nero Plate Special 1 x 2 with Ladder
4176 4176 2 Trasparente Windscreen 2 x 6 x 2, Wide Top
4181 4181 2 Verde Door 1 x 4 x 5 Train Left
4182 4182 2 Verde Door 1 x 4 x 5 Train Right
4183 4183 4 Trasparente Glass for Train Door Lip On Top and Bottom
42022 42022 4 Nero Brick Curved 6 x 1
4215b 4215b 4 Nero Panel 1 x 4 x 3 [Hollow Studs]
4274 4274 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Technic Pin 1/2 (Ricambio)
4274 4274 8 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Technic Pin 1/2
44728 44728 4 Verde Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2
4509 4509 4 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Slope 33° 6 x 6 Double (Train Roof)
4510 4510 8 Nero Plate Special 1 x 8 with Door Rail
4510 4510 8 Verde Plate Special 1 x 8 with Door Rail
4511 4511 4 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Door Sliding - Type 1
45677 45677 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Slope Curved 4 x 4 x 2/3 Triple Curved with 2 Studs
4623 4623 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Plate Special 1 x 2 with Bar Up [Horizontal Arm 6mm]
4733 4733 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Brick Special 1 x 1 Studs on 4 Sides
4733 4733 4 Nero Brick Special 1 x 1 Studs on 4 Sides
47905 47905 6 Nero Brick Special 1 x 1 with Studs on 2 Sides
4862 4862 16 Trasparente Glass for Window 1 x 2 x 2 Plane
4864b 4864b 16 Trasparente Panel 1 x 2 x 2 [Hollow Studs]
50254 50254 4 Nero Train Wheel Small, hole notched for wheels holder pin
52031 52031 2 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Slope Curved 4 x 6 x 2/3 Triple Curved with 4 Studs
52107 52107 6 Nero Brick Special 1 x 2 with Studs on 2 Sides
54200 54200 12 Verde Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 12 Nero Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 12 Grigio Bluastro Scuro Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
No Image 57051 12 Cromo Argento Train Wheel RC Train, Metal Axle 5 x 100 LDU
57878 57878 24 Nero Train Wheel RC Train
60169 60169 2 Grigio Chiaro Bluastro Chain 16L [21 Links]
6019 6019 6 Nero Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal [Thick U Clip]
6020 6020 2 Nero Bar 7 x 3 with Double Clips (Ladder) [Straight Clips]
6081 6081 12 Nero Brick Curved 2 x 4 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top
6091 6091 8 Nero Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top
6091 6091 12 Verde Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top
6134 6134 2 Verde Hinge Brick 2 x 2 Top Plate Thin
6140 6140 4 Nero Bar 1 x 6 [Closed Studs]
6141 6141 2 Trasparente Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6141 6141 2 Nero Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6141 6141 12 Nero Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 4 Rosso Trasparente Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 2 Rosso Trasparente Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6141 6141 4 Trasparente Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 4 Giallo Traslucido Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 2 Giallo Traslucido Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ricambio)
6187 6187 2 Nero Bar 1 x 4 x 2
6191 6191 4 Nero Brick Curved 1 x 4 x 1 1/3 No Studs, Curved Top
6215 6215 6 Nero Brick Curved 2 x 3 with Curved Top
6541 6541 8 Verde Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Pin Hole
6556 6556 8 Bianco Window 1 x 4 x 3 Train with Shutter Holes and Solid Studs on Ends
6584 6584 1 Nero Vehicle Base, Train 6 x 24 with Two 1 x 2 Cutouts and 3 Round Holes Each End
6636 6636 6 Verde Tile 1 x 6 with Groove
73092 73092 6 Nero Magnet Cylindrical
No Image 75c32 2 Nero Hose Rigid 3mm D. 32L / 25.6cm
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