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LEGO 75975 Watchpoint: Gibraltar

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Partie ID Quantité Coleur Description
11153 11153 8 Gris bleu clair Slope Curved 4 x 1 No Studs [Stud Holder with Symmetric Ridges]
11215 11215 4 Rouge Bracket 5 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Holes, Pin Bottom
11458 11458 2 Noir Plate Special 1 x 2 with Pin Hole on Top
11477 11477 2 Gris bleu clair Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
11477 11477 6 Gris bleu foncé Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow]
11833 11833 4 Noir Plate Round 4 x 4 with 2 x 2 Round Opening
14417 14417 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate Special 1 x 2 with 5.9mm Centre Side Towball
14419 14419 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate Special 1 x 2 with 5.9mm Towball Socket and Towball
14704 14704 1 Gris bleu clair Plate Special 1 x 2 5.9mm Centre Side Towball Socket
14769 14769 2 Vert Tile Round 2 x 2 with Bottom Stud Holder
15068 15068 8 Blanc Slope Curved 2 x 2 x 2/3
15071 15071 1 Noir Weapon Gun / Blaster 1 x 2 x 2/3 with Studs on Sides and Handle
15207 15207 2 Blanc Panel 1 x 4 x 1 with Rounded Corners [Thin Wall]
15391 15391 1 Noir Launcher, Weapon Gun / Blaster / Shooter Mini
15392 15392 1 Brun rouge Launcher Trigger, Weapon Gun Trigger (Pièce de rechange)
15392 15392 1 Brun rouge Launcher Trigger, Weapon Gun Trigger
15395 15395 2 Vert Brick Round 2 x 2 Dome Bottom [Open Stud]
15573 15573 6 Orange foncé Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove and Inside Stud Holder (Jumper)
15672 15672 4 Blanc Slope 45° 2 x 1 with 2/3 Cutout [New Version]
15712 15712 5 Gris bleu clair Tile Special 1 x 1 with Clip with Rounded Edges
15712 15712 2 Rouge Tile Special 1 x 1 with Clip with Rounded Edges
16091 16091 1 Gris bleu clair Steering Wheel Small, 2 x 2 [Reinforced]
18910 18910 2 Blanc Hinge Panel 3 x 4 x 3 Curved
18910 18910 4 Noir Hinge Panel 3 x 4 x 3 Curved
18972 18972 1 Marron transparent Windscreen 5 x 4 x 1 1/3
No Image 19859pat0007 1 Transparent Lower Body, Ghost Marbled Black
22385 22385 2 Blanc Tile Special 2 x 3 Pentagonal
22385 22385 3 Noir Tile Special 2 x 3 Pentagonal
23443 23443 2 Rouge Bar Holder with Hole and Bar Handle
2357 2357 2 Rouge Brick 2 x 2 Corner
2412b 2412b 4 Gris bleu clair Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2412b 2412b 11 Rouge foncé Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2420 2420 2 Blanc Plate 2 x 2 Corner
2420 2420 2 Rouge Plate 2 x 2 Corner
24299 24299 1 Gris bleu foncé Wedge Plate 2 x 2 Left
24307 24307 1 Gris bleu foncé Wedge Plate 2 x 2 Right
24309 24309 1 Vert Slope Curved 3 x 2 No Studs
2431 2431 4 Gris bleu clair Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
2432 2432 1 Vert Tile Special 1 x 2 with Handle
2445 2445 1 Gris bleu clair Plate 2 x 12
2450 2450 2 Noir Wedge Plate 3 x 3 Cut Corner
2454b 2454b 4 Gris bleu foncé Brick 1 x 2 x 5 with Hollow Studs and Bottom Stud Holder with Symmetric Ridges
2465 2465 2 Gris bleu foncé Brick 1 x 16
25059 25059 6 Vert Vehicle Track, Roller Coaster Straight 16L
25214 25214 3 Vert Brick Round 1 x 1 diameter Tube with 90 Degree Elbow (2 x 2 x 1) and Axle Holes (Crossholes) at each end
No Image 25214 2 Brick Round 1 x 1 diameter Tube with 90 Degree Elbow (2 x 2 x 1) and Axle Holes (Crossholes) at each end
25214 25214 1 Gris bleu clair Brick Round 1 x 1 diameter Tube with 90 Degree Elbow (2 x 2 x 1) and Axle Holes (Crossholes) at each end
25269 25269 2 Bleu azur foncé Tile Round 1 x 1 Quarter
25269 25269 8 Noir Tile Round 1 x 1 Quarter
25269 25269 1 Noir Tile Round 1 x 1 Quarter (Pièce de rechange)
25269 25269 1 Bleu azur foncé Tile Round 1 x 1 Quarter (Pièce de rechange)
2540 2540 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate Special 1 x 2 Side Handle [Free Ends]
26022 26022 1 Vert Vehicle Track, Roller Coaster Straight 8L
2654 2654 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom [Boat Stud]
2654 2654 7 Bleu foncé transparent Plate Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom [Boat Stud]
26601 26601 2 Blanc Wedge Plate 2 x 2 Cut Corner
26603 26603 1 Noir Tile 2 x 3
26603 26603 2 Blanc Tile 2 x 3
27263 27263 2 Blanc Tile Special 2 x 2 Corner with Cut Corner - Facet
27507 27507 4 Gris bleu clair Tile 4 x 4 Curved, Macaroni
2780 2780 1 Noir Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots (Pièce de rechange)
2780 2780 8 Noir Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots
27925 27925 8 Rouge foncé Tile 2 x 2 Curved, Macaroni
29119 29119 1 Noir Slope Curved 2 x 1 with Stud Notch Right
29120 29120 1 Noir Slope Curved 2 x 1 with Stud Notch Left
3001 3001 3 Vert Brick 2 x 4
3002 3002 2 Rouge Brick 2 x 3
3003 3003 4 Gris bleu foncé Brick 2 x 2
3003 3003 1 Bleu Foncé Brick 2 x 2
30031 30031 1 Gris bleu clair Handlebars
3004 3004 4 Bleu azur foncé Brick 1 x 2
3005 3005 2 Noir Brick 1 x 1
3007 3007 2 Gris bleu foncé Brick 2 x 8
3008 3008 2 Noir Brick 1 x 8
3009 3009 2 Noir Brick 1 x 6
3010 3010 3 Blanc Brick 1 x 4
30166 30166 2 Blanc Minifig Shield Rectangular with 4 Studs, Handle
30192 30192 1 Gris bleu clair Tool Grappling Hook
3020 3020 1 Vert Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 6 Noir Plate 2 x 4
3021 3021 5 Noir Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 3 Blanc Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 1 Bleu azur foncé Plate 2 x 3
3021 3021 2 Gris bleu clair Plate 2 x 3
3022 3022 7 Bleu azur foncé Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 7 Noir Plate 2 x 2
3022 3022 6 Blanc Plate 2 x 2
3023 3023 8 Gris bleu clair Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 7 Bleu azur foncé Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 6 Gris bleu foncé Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 4 Bleu clair transparent Plate 1 x 2
3024 3024 1 Bleu azur foncé Plate 1 x 1 (Pièce de rechange)
3024 3024 4 Bleu azur foncé Plate 1 x 1
3024 3024 12 Vert transparent Plate 1 x 1
3024 3024 1 Vert transparent Plate 1 x 1 (Pièce de rechange)
3024 3024 2 Gris bleu foncé Plate 1 x 1
3024 3024 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate 1 x 1 (Pièce de rechange)
3031 3031 1 Beige Plate 4 x 4
3033 3033 2 Gris bleu foncé Plate 6 x 10
3034 3034 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate 2 x 8
3034 3034 4 Blanc Plate 2 x 8
3035 3035 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate 4 x 8
30363 30363 3 Gris bleu clair Slope 18° 4 x 2
30367c 30367c 2 Vert Brick Round 2 x 2 Dome Top - Hollow Stud with Bottom Axle Holder x Shape + Orientation
30377 30377 1 Gris bleu clair Arm Mechanical with 2 Clips [Battle Droid]
30377 30377 1 Gris bleu clair Arm Mechanical with 2 Clips [Battle Droid] (Pièce de rechange)
3038 3038 4 Blanc Slope 45° 2 x 3
30383 30383 2 Bleu sable Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On Top
3039 3039 2 Blanc Slope 45° 2 x 2
3040b 3040b 1 Vert Slope 45° 2 x 1 with Bottom Pin
30503 30503 2 Noir Wedge Plate 4 x 4 Cut Corner
3062b 3062b 1 Blanc Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
3062b 3062b 7 Noir Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
3062b 3062b 1 Beige Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
3062b 3062b 2 Vert citron Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
No Image 3062bpr0019 1 Bleu clair transparent Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud with Red Cross print
3068b 3068b 1 Noir Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3068b 3068b 2 Blanc Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3068b 3068b 1 Gris bleu foncé Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 3 Vert Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 1 Noir Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 3 Bleu azur foncé Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Gris bleu clair Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 4 Blanc Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
No Image 3069bpr0090 1 Gris bleu foncé Tile 1 x 2 with Joystick and Vehicle Control Panel Print
3070b 3070b 1 Noir Tile 1 x 1 with Groove (Pièce de rechange)
3070b 3070b 2 Rouge transparent Tile 1 x 1 with Groove
3070b 3070b 1 Blanc Tile 1 x 1 with Groove (Pièce de rechange)
3070b 3070b 2 Noir Tile 1 x 1 with Groove
3070b 3070b 2 Blanc Tile 1 x 1 with Groove
3070b 3070b 1 Rouge transparent Tile 1 x 1 with Groove (Pièce de rechange)
32062 32062 1 Noir Technic Axle 2 Notched
32187 32187 2 Noir Technic Driving Ring Extension, 4 Ridges
32803 32803 6 Gris bleu clair Slope Curved 2 x 2 x 2/3 Inverted
32828 32828 1 Gris bleu clair Plate Round 1 x 1 with Hollow Stud and Horizontal Bar 1L (Pièce de rechange)
32828 32828 2 Gris bleu clair Plate Round 1 x 1 with Hollow Stud and Horizontal Bar 1L
3298 3298 1 Bleu azur foncé Slope 33° 3 x 2
33085 33085 1 Jaune Plant, Banana
33909 33909 2 Blanc Plate Special 2 x 2 with Only 2 studs
33909 33909 6 Gris bleu clair Plate Special 2 x 2 with Only 2 studs
33909 33909 1 Rouge Plate Special 2 x 2 with Only 2 studs
3460 3460 2 Gris bleu foncé Plate 1 x 8
3460 3460 1 Gris bleu clair Plate 1 x 8
3460 3460 2 Noir Plate 1 x 8
35787 35787 2 Noir Tile 45° Cut 2 x 2 (Triangle)
3622 3622 2 Bleu azur foncé Brick 1 x 3
3623 3623 2 Blanc Plate 1 x 3
3660 3660 2 Gris bleu foncé Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 [Ovoid Bottom Pin, Bar-sized Stud Holes]
3666 3666 2 Bleu azur foncé Plate 1 x 6
3666 3666 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate 1 x 6
36840 36840 2 Blanc Bracket 1 x 1 - 1 x 1 Inverted
3710 3710 7 Noir Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 4 Blanc Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 1 Gris bleu clair Plate 1 x 4
3747b 3747b 14 Gris bleu foncé Slope Inverted 33° 3 x 2 [Connections between Studs]
3795 3795 5 Gris bleu clair Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 2 Noir Plate 2 x 6
3832 3832 2 Noir Plate 2 x 10
3894 3894 1 Blanc Technic Brick 1 x 6 [5 Pin Holes]
3941 3941 6 Vert Brick Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole
3957b 3957b 1 Noir Antenna 1 x 4 with Flat Top
3958 3958 1 Bleu azur foncé Plate 6 x 6
3958 3958 1 Vert Plate 6 x 6
No Image 3961pr0001 1 Orange Clair Dish 8 x 8 Inverted [Radar] with WP-G Drone Change System print
4032a 4032a 2 Vert Plate Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole Type 1 (+ Opening)
4032a 4032a 3 Noir Plate Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole Type 1 (+ Opening)
4070 4070 1 Vert Brick Special 1 x 1 with Headlight
41539 41539 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate 8 x 8
4162 4162 7 Blanc Tile 1 x 8 with Groove
41682 41682 4 Noir Bracket 2 x 2 with 1 x 2 Vertical Studs
41740 41740 2 Blanc Plate Special 1 x 4 with 2 Studs with Groove [New Underside]
41769 41769 2 Noir Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Right
41769 41769 2 Bleu azur foncé Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Right
41769 41769 2 Blanc Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Right
41770 41770 2 Blanc Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Left
41770 41770 2 Noir Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Left
41770 41770 2 Bleu azur foncé Wedge Plate 4 x 2 Left
4282 4282 4 Vert Plate 2 x 16
4286 4286 4 Vert Slope 33° 3 x 1
42862 42862 3 Blanc Wedge Sloped 45° 3 x 3 Left
4287b 4287b 2 Gris bleu foncé Slope Inverted 34° 3 x 1 with Internal Stopper
43093 43093 2 Rouge Technic Axle Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise
43713 43713 1 Gris bleu foncé Wedge Curved Inverted 6 x 4
43719 43719 1 Gris bleu foncé Wedge Plate 4 x 4 with 2 x 2 Cutout
43719 43719 1 Noir Wedge Plate 4 x 4 with 2 x 2 Cutout
43720 43720 1 Blanc Wedge Sloped 45° 4 x 2 Right
43721 43721 1 Blanc Wedge Sloped 45° 4 x 2 Left
43722 43722 2 Blanc Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Right
43722 43722 1 Gris bleu foncé Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Right
43723 43723 2 Blanc Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Left
43723 43723 1 Gris bleu foncé Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Left
43888 43888 1 Vert Support Round 1 x 1 x 6 Solid Pillar
43898 43898 1 Gris bleu foncé Dish 3 x 3 Inverted [Radar]
44302a 44302a 4 Noir Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers On End, with Groove, 9 Teeth
4460b 4460b 2 Rouge Slope 75° 2 x 1 x 3 with Hollow Stud
44709 44709 2 Gris bleu foncé Weapon Gun / Blaster with Studs on Side
44728 44728 4 Blanc Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2
44728 44728 6 Gris bleu foncé Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2
4477 4477 2 Bleu azur foncé Plate 1 x 10
4599b 4599b 1 Gris bleu clair Tap 1 x 1 without Hole in Spout (Pièce de rechange)
4599b 4599b 2 Gris bleu clair Tap 1 x 1 without Hole in Spout
4599b 4599b 1 Vert Tap 1 x 1 without Hole in Spout (Pièce de rechange)
4599b 4599b 1 Vert Tap 1 x 1 without Hole in Spout
47397 47397 2 Blanc Wedge Plate 12 x 3 Left
47398 47398 2 Blanc Wedge Plate 12 x 3 Right
47407 47407 1 Blanc Wedge Plate 4 x 6
47457 47457 1 Rouge Brick Curved 2 x 2 x 2/3 Two Studs and Curved Slope End
48165 48165 3 Blanc Wedge Sloped 45° 3 x 3 Right
48205 48205 1 Blanc Wedge Plate 6 x 4 Right
48208 48208 1 Blanc Wedge Plate 6 x 4 Left
48336 48336 1 Vert Plate Special 1 x 2 [Side Handle Closed Ends]
4865b 4865b 4 Blanc Panel 1 x 2 x 1 [Rounded Corners]
4871 4871 1 Gris bleu foncé Slope Inverted 45° 4 x 2 Double
48729b 48729b 2 Gris bleu clair Bar 1L with Clip [Cut Edges and One Side Hole] [Gap in Clip]
48729b 48729b 1 Gris bleu clair Bar 1L with Clip [Cut Edges and One Side Hole] [Gap in Clip] (Pièce de rechange)
No Image 49112 1 [Aucune couleur/Toute couleur] Sticker Sheet for Set 75975-1
50304 50304 1 Noir Wedge Plate 8 x 3, 22° Right
50304 50304 3 Gris bleu foncé Wedge Plate 8 x 3, 22° Right
50305 50305 3 Gris bleu foncé Wedge Plate 8 x 3, 22° Left
50305 50305 1 Noir Wedge Plate 8 x 3, 22° Left
50955 50955 1 Blanc Wedge Curved 10 x 3 Left
50956 50956 1 Blanc Wedge Curved 10 x 3 Right
54200 54200 1 Blanc Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 1 Blanc Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope) (Pièce de rechange)
54383 54383 1 Blanc Wedge Plate 6 x 3 Right
54383 54383 4 Noir Wedge Plate 6 x 3 Right
54384 54384 1 Blanc Wedge Plate 6 x 3 Left
54384 54384 4 Noir Wedge Plate 6 x 3 Left
59900 59900 4 Rouge transparent Cone 1 x 1 [Top Groove]
59900 59900 1 Rouge foncé Cone 1 x 1 [Top Groove]
6003 6003 4 Marron foncé Plate Round Corner 6 x 6
6005 6005 2 Noir Brick Arch 1 x 3 x 2 Curved Top
6005 6005 2 Blanc Brick Arch 1 x 3 x 2 Curved Top
60479 60479 3 Blanc Plate 1 x 12
60479 60479 2 Gris bleu clair Plate 1 x 12
60897 60897 4 Gris bleu foncé Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical [Thick Open O Clip]
6091 6091 2 Blanc Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top
61409 61409 6 Blanc Slope 18° 2 x 1 x 2/3 with 4 Slots / Grate
6141 6141 1 Vert clair transparent Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Pièce de rechange)
6141 6141 1 Vert clair transparent Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 3 Perle Or Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 4 Vert Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 12 Gris bleu foncé Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 1 Gris bleu foncé Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Pièce de rechange)
6141 6141 1 Perle Or Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Pièce de rechange)
6141 6141 1 Argent Mat Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Pièce de rechange)
6141 6141 5 Argent Mat Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 1 Vert Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Pièce de rechange)
6215 6215 1 Rouge Brick Curved 2 x 3 with Curved Top
6232 6232 1 Blanc Brick Special 2 x 2 with Pin and Axle Hole
6233 6233 3 Noir Cone 3 x 3 x 2
62462 62462 7 Vert Technic Pin Connector Round [Slotted]
63864 63864 4 Blanc Tile 1 x 3
63868 63868 2 Rouge Plate Special 1 x 2 with Clip Horizontal on End
64567 64567 1 Gris bleu clair Weapon Lightsaber Hilt with Bottom Ring (Pièce de rechange)
64567 64567 2 Gris bleu clair Weapon Lightsaber Hilt with Bottom Ring
64727 64727 2 Rouge Weapon Spike Flexible 3.5L
6564 6564 2 Noir Wedge 3 x 2 Right
6565 6565 2 Noir Wedge 3 x 2 Left
6583 6583 2 Gris bleu foncé Plate Special 1 x 6 with Train Wagon End Fence
6636 6636 2 Noir Tile 1 x 6 with Groove
6636 6636 2 Bleu azur foncé Tile 1 x 6 with Groove
72454 72454 3 Gris bleu foncé Slope Inverted 45° 4 x 4 Double with 2 Holes
85861 85861 1 Noir Plate Round 1 x 1 with Open Stud (Pièce de rechange)
85861 85861 3 Noir Plate Round 1 x 1 with Open Stud
87079 87079 1 Blanc Tile 2 x 4 with Groove
87079 87079 2 Noir Tile 2 x 4 with Groove
87087 87087 2 Bleu azur foncé Brick Special 1 x 1 with Stud on 1 Side
87617 87617 1 Vert Cylinder 1 x 5 1/2 with Handle (Friction Cylinder)
87994 87994 1 Gris bleu clair Bar 3L (Pièce de rechange)
87994 87994 1 Gris bleu clair Bar 3L
90194 90194 1 Noir Wedge Plate 3 x 4 with Stud Notches [Reinforced Underside]
91988 91988 2 Gris bleu foncé Plate 2 x 14
92280 92280 2 Gris bleu clair Plate Special 1 x 2 [Top Clip]
92280 92280 10 Blanc Plate Special 1 x 2 [Top Clip]
92579 92579 1 Marron transparent Windscreen 8 x 4 x 2 with 4 Studs and Handle
92947 92947 1 Noir Brick Round 2 x 2 [Grill]
93061 93061 1 Gris bleu clair Arm Skeleton Bent with Clips at 90° [Vertical Grip] (Pièce de rechange)
93061 93061 2 Gris bleu clair Arm Skeleton Bent with Clips at 90° [Vertical Grip]
96874 96874 1 Turquoise foncé Brick and Axle Separator v2.0
98138 98138 1 Bleu clair transparent Tile Round 1 x 1
98138 98138 1 Orange Tile Round 1 x 1 (Pièce de rechange)
98138 98138 1 Orange Tile Round 1 x 1
98138 98138 1 Bleu clair transparent Tile Round 1 x 1 (Pièce de rechange)
98138 98138 1 Gris bleu clair Tile Round 1 x 1
98138 98138 1 Gris bleu clair Tile Round 1 x 1 (Pièce de rechange)
99206 99206 3 Vert Plate Special 2 x 2 x 2/3 with Two Studs On Side and Two Raised
99207 99207 9 Vert Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2 Inverted
99780 99780 2 Noir Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2 Inverted
99780 99780 2 Blanc Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2 Inverted
99781 99781 1 Noir Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2
99781 99781 2 Blanc Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2
99781 99781 1 Gris bleu foncé Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2
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