LEGO moc 0036: slurry injectie tanker
LEGO no.:
0036LEGO año:
2008LEGO tema:
My first impression of the Tractor (#8284) was: "realistic looks and clever functions", but should I buy this one ? But after one year I decided to buy the set, with in mind to build a trailer for the Tractor. Well, here it is: a slurry injection tanker, which can be attached to the original Technic Tractor set 8284. No Tractor modifications are needed, you just have to mount a tow-bar. The fun part of this tanker is that the injector beams can be automatically raised and lowered when the tractor is pushed forward. This done by using the tractor's 'external spline shaft' which drives the injector beams up or down, depending on the switch selection on the tanker.Created by:
Han Crielaard
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