7777 Trains Idea Book
LEGO no. | 7777 | LEGO year | 1981 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 84 | Number of pieces | 1 |
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4532 Level Crossing
LEGO no. | 4532 | LEGO year | 1996 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 12 | Number of pieces | 136 |
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162 Locomotive Without Motor
LEGO no. | 162 | LEGO year | 1977 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 14 | Number of pieces | 210 |
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167 Car Transport Wagon
LEGO no. | 167 | LEGO year | 1978 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 13 | Number of pieces | 102 |
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7750 12V Steam Locomotive
LEGO no. | 7750 | LEGO year | 1980 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 20 | Number of pieces | 267 |
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10259 Winter Village Station
LEGO no. | 10259 | LEGO year | 2017 | LEGO Theme | Creator | Number of pages | 112 | Number of pieces | 57 |
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10015 Passengers Wagon
LEGO no. | 10015 | LEGO year | 2001 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 197 |
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4002016 50 Years on Track part 2
LEGO no. | 4002016 | LEGO year | 2016 | LEGO Theme | Promotional | Number of pages | 40 | Number of pieces | 1141 |
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4525 Road Rail Repair
LEGO no. | 4525 | LEGO year | 1994 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 93 |
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7725 12V Passengers Train Set
LEGO no. | 7725 | LEGO year | 1981 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 17 | Number of pieces | 496 |
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4539 Level Crossing
LEGO no. | 4539 | LEGO year | 1991 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 9 | Number of pieces | 4539 |
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3742 Tender Basis
LEGO no. | 3742 | LEGO year | 2001 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 8 | Number of pieces | 39 |
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7760 12V Diesel Locomotive
LEGO no. | 7760 | LEGO year | 1980 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 9 | Number of pieces | 153 |
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7862 Remote Controlled Decoupler
LEGO no. | 7862 | LEGO year | 1981 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 4 | Number of pieces | 14 |
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117 Locomotive Without Motor
LEGO no. | 117 | LEGO year | 1967 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 8 | Number of pieces | 95 |
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10017 Hopper Wagon
LEGO no. | 10017 | LEGO year | 2001 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 24 | Number of pieces | 229 |
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7499 Flexible and Straight Tracks
LEGO no. | 7499 | LEGO year | 2011 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 24 |
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165 Cargo Station
LEGO no. | 165 | LEGO year | 1978 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 10 | Number of pieces | 268 |
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7813 Shell Wagon
LEGO no. | 7813 | LEGO year | 1986 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 123 |
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4551 Crocodile Locomotive
LEGO no. | 4551 | LEGO year | 1991 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 314 |
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2150 Railway Station
LEGO no. | 2150 | LEGO year | 1996 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 29 | Number of pieces | 617 |
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60052 Cargo Train
LEGO no. | 60052 | LEGO year | 2014 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 292 | Number of pieces | 888 |
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139 Electronic Control Unit
LEGO no. | 139 | LEGO year | 1969 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 10 | Number of pieces | 13 |
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147 Refrigerated Wagon with Forklift
LEGO no. | 147 | LEGO year | 1976 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 1 | Number of pieces | 107 |
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