7777 Trains Idea Book
LEGO no. | 7777 | LEGO year | 1981 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 84 | Number of pieces | 1 |
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60335 Train Station
LEGO no. | 60335 | LEGO year | 2022 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 272 | Number of pieces | 907 |
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157 Automatic Direction Changer
LEGO no. | 157 | LEGO year | 1968 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 4 | Number of pieces | 10 |
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7996 Train Rail Crossing for Rc Trains
LEGO no. | 7996 | LEGO year | 2007 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 4 |
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7838 Goods Station
LEGO no. | 7838 | LEGO year | 1983 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 15 | Number of pieces | 328 |
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7895 Switch Tracks
LEGO no. | 7895 | LEGO year | 2006 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 8 |
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7815 Sleeping Car
LEGO no. | 7815 | LEGO year | 1983 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 8 | Number of pieces | 228 |
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722 12V Electric Train
LEGO no. | 722 | LEGO year | 1970 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 8 | Number of pieces | 151 |
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4558 Metro Liner
LEGO no. | 4558 | LEGO year | 1991 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 44 | Number of pieces | 762 |
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10015 Passengers Wagon
LEGO no. | 10015 | LEGO year | 2001 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 197 |
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7810 Locomotive Without Motor
LEGO no. | 7810 | LEGO year | 1980 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 10 | Number of pieces | 97 |
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7745 12V High Speed Train
LEGO no. | 7745 | LEGO year | 1985 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 33 | Number of pieces | 737 |
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4553 Train Wash
LEGO no. | 4553 | LEGO year | 1998 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 21 | Number of pieces | 190 |
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128 Mobile Crane
LEGO no. | 128 | LEGO year | 1971 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 2 | Number of pieces | 25 |
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4561 Railway Express
LEGO no. | 4561 | LEGO year | 1999 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 96 | Number of pieces | 679 |
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7864 12V Transformer
LEGO no. | 7864 | LEGO year | 1980 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 4 | Number of pieces | 28 |
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124 Goods Wagon
LEGO no. | 124 | LEGO year | 1969 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 1 | Number of pieces | 56 |
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4559 Cargo Railway
LEGO no. | 4559 | LEGO year | 1996 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 48 | Number of pieces | 854 |
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7816 Shell Tanker Wagon
LEGO no. | 7816 | LEGO year | 1980 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 5 | Number of pieces | 116 |
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7939 Cargo Train
LEGO no. | 7939 | LEGO year | 2010 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 210 | Number of pieces | 839 |
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134 Mobile Crane
LEGO no. | 134 | LEGO year | 1975 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 6 | Number of pieces | 59 |
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4551 Crocodile Locomotive
LEGO no. | 4551 | LEGO year | 1991 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 314 |
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117 Locomotive Without Motor
LEGO no. | 117 | LEGO year | 1967 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 8 | Number of pieces | 95 |
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150 Straight Tracks
LEGO no. | 150 | LEGO year | 1966 | LEGO Theme | Train | Number of pages | 25 | Number of pieces | 3 |
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