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LEGO 70905 The Batmobile

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Teile liste:





Teil ID Quantity Farbe Beschreibung
10187 10187 4 Flach Silber Weapon Bladed Claw Spread
10187 10187 2 Flach Silber Weapon Bladed Claw Spread (Ersatzteil)
10314 10314 4 Schwarz Brick Curved 1 x 4 x 1 1/3 No Studs, Curved Top with Raised Inside Support
11211 11211 2 Hellblaugrau Brick Special 1 x 2 with 2 Studs on 1 Side
11211 11211 2 Schwarz Brick Special 1 x 2 with 2 Studs on 1 Side
11458 11458 6 Dunkelblaugrau Plate Special 1 x 2 with Pin Hole on Top
11476 11476 1 Schwarz Plate Special 1 x 2 with Clip Horizontal on Side
13547 13547 2 Schwarz Slope Curved 4 x 1 Inverted
13731 13731 4 Schwarz Brick Curved 10 x 1 [Symmetric Inside Ridges]
14769 14769 4 Schwarz Tile Round 2 x 2 with Bottom Stud Holder
15068 15068 3 Schwarz Slope Curved 2 x 2 x 2/3
15100 15100 6 Schwarz Technic Pin Connector Hub with 1 Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise
15392 15392 1 Dunkelblaugrau Launcher Trigger, Weapon Gun Trigger (Ersatzteil)
15392 15392 2 Dunkelblaugrau Launcher Trigger, Weapon Gun Trigger
15403 15403 2 Schwarz Launcher, Plate Special 1 x 2 with Mini Blaster
15461 15461 4 Schwarz Technic Pin Connector 3L with 2 Pins and Center Hole
15535 15535 3 Dunkelblaugrau Tile Round 2 x 2 with Hole
15573 15573 4 Rotbraun Plate Special 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove and Inside Stud Holder (Jumper)
15672 15672 4 Schwarz Slope 45° 2 x 1 with 2/3 Cutout [New Version]
22385 22385 4 Schwarz Tile Special 2 x 3 Pentagonal
23969 23969 1 Hellblaugrau Panel 1 x 2 x 1 with Rounded Corners and 2 Sides
2412b 2412b 2 Hellblaugrau Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove
2419 2419 1 Schwarz Wedge Plate 3 x 6 Cut Corners
2420 2420 8 Schwarz Plate 2 x 2 Corner
24201 24201 2 Hellblaugrau Slope Curved 2 x 1 Inverted
24246 24246 1 Hellblaugrau Tile Round 1 x 1 Half Circle (Ersatzteil)
24246 24246 2 Hellblaugrau Tile Round 1 x 1 Half Circle
2431 2431 2 Dunkelblaugrau Tile 1 x 4 with Groove
24316 24316 4 Rotbraun Technic Axle 3 with Stop
2432 2432 2 Hellblaugrau Tile Special 1 x 2 with Handle
2456 2456 1 Mittelblau Brick 2 x 6
25214 25214 6 Perle Dunkelgrau Brick Round 1 x 1 diameter Tube with 90 Degree Elbow (2 x 2 x 1) and Axle Holes (Crossholes) at each end
2653 2653 4 Schwarz Brick Special 1 x 4 with Groove
2654 2654 6 Hellblaugrau Plate Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom [Boat Stud]
2654 2654 1 Trans-Lila Plate Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom [Boat Stud]
26601 26601 2 Dunkelblaugrau Wedge Plate 2 x 2 Cut Corner
27145 27145 1 Gelb Minifig Hipwear Utility Belt (Ersatzteil)
2730 2730 4 Hellblaugrau Technic Brick 1 x 10 [9 Holes]
2780 2780 1 Schwarz Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots (Ersatzteil)
2780 2780 2 Schwarz Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots
28779 28779 2 Schwarz Tail 4 x 1 with Pin Hole
28782 28782 1 Trans-Gelb Windscreen 6 x 6 x 2
3001 3001 3 Rot Brick 2 x 4
3003 3003 1 Leuchtendes Pink Brick 2 x 2
3010 3010 1 Dunkelblaugrau Brick 1 x 4
3010 3010 1 Gelb Brick 1 x 4
30136 30136 6 Hellblaugrau Brick Special 1 x 2 Palisade [aka Log]
3020 3020 1 Dunkelblaugrau Plate 2 x 4
3020 3020 2 Beige Plate 2 x 4
3021 3021 8 Schwarz Plate 2 x 3
3022 3022 1 Hellblaugrau Plate 2 x 2
3023 3023 2 Limettengrün Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 16 Dunkelblaugrau Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 1 Schwarz Plate 1 x 2 (Ersatzteil)
3023 3023 23 Schwarz Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 7 Rot Plate 1 x 2
3023 3023 1 Dunkelblaugrau Plate 1 x 2 (Ersatzteil)
3031 3031 2 Dunkelblaugrau Plate 4 x 4
3031 3031 1 Schwarz Plate 4 x 4
No Image 30361c 2 Schwarz Brick Round 2 x 2 x 2 Robot Body - with Bottom Axle Holder x Shape + Orientation
3037 3037 1 Rotbraun Slope 45° 2 x 4
30414 30414 2 Hellblaugrau Brick Special 1 x 4 with 4 Studs on One Side
3049d 3049d 3 Hellblaugrau Slope 45° 2 x 1 Double / Inverted with Bottom Stud Holder
3062b 3062b 2 Hellblaugrau Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
No Image 3062bpr0008 1 Schwarz Brick Round 1 x 1 Open Stud with Yellow 'BAT MERCH' and Silver Screws Print
3068b 3068b 3 Rotbraun Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3068b 3068b 1 Schwarz Tile 2 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Transparentes Rot Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Hellorange Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
3069b 3069b 2 Trans-Gelb Tile 1 x 2 with Groove
No Image 31472 1 [Keine Farbe/Jede Farbe] Sticker Sheet for Set 70905-1
32000 32000 4 Schwarz Technic Brick 1 x 2 [2 Holes]
32054 32054 2 Hellblaugrau Technic Pin Long with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Stop Bush [3 Lateral Holes, Big Pin Hole]
32064a 32064a 4 Gelb Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Axle Hole Type 1 [+ Opening] and Bottom Pin
32123b 32123b 2 Hellblaugrau Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Semi-Reduced (Ersatzteil)
32123b 32123b 4 Hellblaugrau Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Semi-Reduced
32187 32187 2 Hellblaugrau Technic Driving Ring Extension 4 Tooth
32291 32291 2 Schwarz Technic Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular Double
3623 3623 4 Gelb Plate 1 x 3
3623 3623 4 Dunkelblaugrau Plate 1 x 3
3660 3660 2 Schwarz Slope Inverted 45° 2 x 2 [Ovoid Bottom Pin, Bar-sized Stud Holes]
3666 3666 6 Schwarz Plate 1 x 6
3700 3700 4 Rot Technic Brick 1 x 2 [1 Hole]
3701 3701 4 Dunkelblaugrau Technic Brick 1 x 4 [3 Holes]
3702 3702 3 Schwarz Technic Brick 1 x 8 [7 Holes]
3703 3703 2 Weiß Technic Brick 1 x 16 [15 Holes]
3705 3705 2 Schwarz Technic Axle 4
3707 3707 1 Schwarz Technic Axle 8
3710 3710 7 Schwarz Plate 1 x 4
3710 3710 2 Hellblaugrau Plate 1 x 4
3713 3713 4 Rot Technic Bush
3713 3713 3 Hellblaugrau Technic Bush
3713 3713 1 Rot Technic Bush (Ersatzteil)
3713 3713 1 Hellblaugrau Technic Bush (Ersatzteil)
3747b 3747b 4 Dunkelblaugrau Slope Inverted 33° 3 x 2 [Connections between Studs]
3795 3795 1 Schwarz Plate 2 x 6
3795 3795 4 Dunkelblaugrau Plate 2 x 6
3829c01 3829c01 1 Rot Steering Stand 1 x 2 with Black Steering Wheel
3941 3941 2 Rot Brick Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole
3956 3956 2 Hellblaugrau Bracket 2 x 2 - 2 x 2
4032a 4032a 2 Schwarz Plate Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole Type 1 (+ Opening)
4032a 4032a 2 Weiß Plate Round 2 x 2 with Axle Hole Type 1 (+ Opening)
41669 41669 1 Trans-Klar Technic Tooth 1 x 3 with Axle Hole [Rounded Underside]
4274 4274 18 Hellblaugrau Technic Pin 1/2
4274 4274 3 Hellblaugrau Technic Pin 1/2 (Ersatzteil)
43093 43093 10 Blau Technic Axle Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise
43121 43121 1 Schwarz Engine, Large
43722 43722 2 Schwarz Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Right
43723 43723 2 Schwarz Wedge Plate 3 x 2 Left
44224 44224 4 Dunkelblaugrau Technic Rotation Joint Disk with Pin Hole and 3L Beam Thick
44225 44225 4 Hellblaugrau Technic Rotation Joint Disk with Pin and 3L Beam Thick
44728 44728 8 Dunkelblaugrau Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2
4477 4477 4 Blau Plate 1 x 10
47455 47455 8 Schwarz Technic Rotation Joint Ball Loop with Two Perpendicular Pins with Friction
47755 47755 1 Schwarz Wheel Arch, Wedge 4 x 3 Open with Cutout and Four Studs
48170 48170 8 Dunkelblaugrau Technic Brick Special 2 x 2 with Pin Hole, Rotation Joint Ball Half [Horizontal Top]
48336 48336 2 Schwarz Plate Special 1 x 2 [Side Handle Closed Ends]
48729b 48729b 2 Schwarz Bar 1L with Clip [Cut Edges and One Side Hole] [Gap in Clip]
48729b 48729b 1 Schwarz Bar 1L with Clip [Cut Edges and One Side Hole] [Gap in Clip] (Ersatzteil)
50303 50303 1 Schwarz Boat Bow Plate 7 x 6 with Stud Notches
50304 50304 1 Rot Wedge Plate 8 x 3, 22° Right
50305 50305 1 Rot Wedge Plate 8 x 3, 22° Left
50950 50950 2 Schwarz Slope Curved 3 x 1 No Studs
52031 52031 1 Schwarz Slope Curved 4 x 6 x 2/3 Triple Curved with 4 Studs
54200 54200 2 Transparentes Rot Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 1 Trans-Gelb Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope) (Ersatzteil)
54200 54200 2 Trans-Gelb Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54200 54200 1 Schwarz Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope) (Ersatzteil)
54200 54200 10 Schwarz Slope 30° 1 x 1 x 2/3 (Cheese Slope)
54383 54383 1 Rot Wedge Plate 6 x 3 Right
54384 54384 1 Rot Wedge Plate 6 x 3 Left
55976 55976 4 Schwarz Tyre 56 x 26 Balloon
56145 56145 4 Rot Wheel 30.4 x 20 without Pinholes, with Reinforced Rim
59426 59426 4 Dunkelblaugrau Technic Axle 5.5 with Stop [Rounded Short End]
59900 59900 4 Schwarz Cone 1 x 1 [Top Groove]
60484 60484 4 Schwarz Technic Beam 3 x 3 T-Shape Thick
60897 60897 1 Schwarz Plate Special 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical [Thick Open O Clip]
6091 6091 10 Schwarz Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top
6091 6091 2 Dunkelblaugrau Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top
61409 61409 2 Hellblaugrau Slope 18° 2 x 1 x 2/3 with 4 Slots
6141 6141 2 Flach Silber Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ersatzteil)
6141 6141 8 Flach Silber Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6141 6141 1 Hellblaugrau Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud (Ersatzteil)
6141 6141 8 Hellblaugrau Plate Round 1 x 1 with Solid Stud
6231 6231 4 Schwarz Panel 1 x 1 x 1 Corner
63868 63868 4 Dunkelblaugrau Plate Special 1 x 2 with Clip Horizontal on End
63965 63965 2 Hellblaugrau Bar 6L with Stop Ring
64728 64728 1 Rot Equipment Dynamite Sticks
6558 6558 22 Blau Technic Pin Long with Friction Ridges Lengthwise, 2 Center Slots
85984 85984 4 Schwarz Slope 30° 1 x 2 x 2/3
85984 85984 2 Hellblaugrau Slope 30° 1 x 2 x 2/3
87079 87079 1 Schwarz Tile 2 x 4 with Groove
87617 87617 2 Schwarz Cylinder 1 x 5 1/2 with Handle (Friction Cylinder)
87620 87620 2 Schwarz Wedge 2 x 2 Facet
92593 92593 8 Dunkelblaugrau Plate Special 1 x 4 with 2 Studs
92947 92947 1 Hellblaugrau Brick Round 2 x 2 [Grill]
93274 93274 1 Dunkelblaugrau Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 4
93606 93606 4 Schwarz Slope Curved 4 x 2 No Studs
95199 95199 1 Schwarz Weapon Gun / Pistol Two Barrel
96874 96874 1 Orange Brick and Axle Separator v2.0
98100 98100 2 Schwarz Brick Round 2 x 2 Truncated Cone
98138 98138 3 Transparentes Rot Tile Round 1 x 1
98138 98138 1 Transparentes Grün Tile Round 1 x 1
98138 98138 1 Transparentes Grün Tile Round 1 x 1 (Ersatzteil)
98138 98138 2 Transparentes Rot Tile Round 1 x 1 (Ersatzteil)
98138 98138 1 Trans-Gelb Tile Round 1 x 1 (Ersatzteil)
98138 98138 2 Trans-Gelb Tile Round 1 x 1
98138 98138 1 Trans-Klar Tile Round 1 x 1 (Ersatzteil)
98138 98138 6 Trans-Klar Tile Round 1 x 1
No Image 98138pr0044 1 Gelb Tile Round 1 x 1 with Batman Logo Print (Ersatzteil)
No Image 98138pr0044 1 Gelb Tile Round 1 x 1 with Batman Logo Print
98721 98721 2 Schwarz Weapon Batarang
98721 98721 2 Schwarz Weapon Batarang (Ersatzteil)
99206 99206 10 Schwarz Plate Special 2 x 2 x 0.667 with Two Studs On Side and Two Raised
99206 99206 1 Hellblaugrau Plate Special 2 x 2 x 0.667 with Two Studs On Side and Two Raised
99207 99207 7 Hellblaugrau Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2 Inverted
99563 99563 11 Schwarz Tile Special 1 x 2 with Sloped Walls AKA Money / Gold Bar [Ingot]
99780 99780 7 Dunkelblaugrau Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2 Inverted
99781 99781 4 Schwarz Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 2
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