Muse’s Grammy-winning rock album The Resistance might have dropped on 2009, but its thematic mix of Orwell, conspiracy, and posthumanism feels very much of the moment. Maybe that’s what prompted TBB alum Nick Jensen, master of 1:1 scale models and Muse superfan, to recreate the kaleidoscopic cover of Muse’s fifth album in LEGO bricks. You don’t need to know the music to be drawn in by the gorgeous tunnel of colors and fractal geometry.
A closer look is better for appreciating the subtle angles Nick uses to achieve the striking microfig perspective. For planet Earth, at the end of the tunnel, Nick swaps in a printed disc from Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Nick’s commitment to The Resistance is no passing fancy – in addition to the brick display, he also has the album art tattooed on his shoulder.
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