There’s no mentioning of why LEGO decided to increase the prices, whether they originally listed them too low or if it’s a response to recent potential tariff threats to Mexico. The main complaints of the sets when they were first announced was that they were overpriced and with these price increases, fans may skip them all together or wait for discounts.
Baby Dinosaur Dolores: Aquilops (76970) – 339 pieces/$24.99 $27.99 (12% increase)
Raptor Off-Road Escape (76972) – 285 pieces/$34.99 $39.99 (14% increase)
Raptor & Titanosaurus Tracking Mission (76973) – 582 pieces/$99.99 $109.99 (10% increase)
Brick-Built Mosasaurus Boat Mission (76974) – 858 pieces/$59.99
T. rex River Escape (76975) – 199 pieces/$49.99