Chungpo Cheng, that’s who! You might remember Chungpo’s work from a few weeks ago when we shared his stunning, super-sized Star Wars battle droids. This time, he chose to make big versions of the classic LEGO owl, rat and “cheese slope” elements. In particular, the owl is packed with lots of personality. Those big eyes and upturned eyebrows make Chungpo’s owl look warm and approachable. I almost want to hand-feed the little guy some birdseed!

Owl, Rounded Features 40232

Chungpo has sculpted an excellent likeness of the original owl piece. He has even photographed the two side-by-side for comparison.

Owl, Rounded Features 40232

Owl, Rounded Features 40232

It’s also pretty cool to see the brick-built rat next to its little LEGO sibling.

Owl, Rounded Features 40232

The post Who....Who....Who can make an amazing owl? appeared first on The Brothers Brick.

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Original author: Matt Hocker