Builder vir-a-cocha takes the phrase “life inspires art” to a new level with a beautiful, charming, colorful and cute representation of their daughter in LEGO form. The details of the little girl in a polka-dot dress, her mom’s oversized heels, shades and a beach hat nicely captures the essence of a child growing up!

The Girl Who Sings

And yet it does not end there, as it’s complemented playfully with a loudspeaker to amplify the microphone. And to save the best for last, a LEGO rock piece which has so few alternate uses in official sets is used for the torso of a huggable teddy bear that’s irresistible. If LEGO had an Oscar for me to recognise a great build and excellent execution, this would be in my list of nominations to win!

The post A charming performance from a girl who loves to sing appeared first on The Brothers Brick.

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Original author: Edwinder